[Instrumental music is playing]
[Video: The project logo of LMS is shown.]
[Video: Three videos appear in a split screen showing a construction site worker on a tablet, a man in an office on a laptop with a cell phone in his hand and woman in her home on a laptop, image of ottawa.ca building, planning and construction page, image of My Service Ottawa login page.]
Narrator: Upload documents, plans and drawings for all Building Code permits and applications from any location, through the My Service Ottawa Customer Portal.
Narrator: Start by logging into your My Service Ottawa account.
[Video: Myservice.ottawa.ca link is highlighted. User logs into My Service Ottawa Home page, and enters email janneetraining@gmail.com and LMSteam987! as password]
Narrator: On the Building Code Services Home page, under Select an Action, select Start an Application.
[Video: Building Code Services Home page is shown. Cursor selects Start an Application]
Narrator: Start an application for any permit or application of your choosing to begin the submission process.
[Video: Cursor selects highlighted Demolition Permit]
Narrator: For this application we will complete a demolition permit which is located under construction related permits. On the getting started page, use the drop down menu to select the application description, work type and primary work scope. Select save and then select next.
[Video: Getting Started page is shown. User selects House, Demolition, and Detached from the drop-down menus.]
[Video: Cursor selects Save, then Next]
Narration: The majority of permits will have a Documents step where mandatory and supplemental documents can be uploaded to support the request.
[Video: Required Documents is shown and highlighted.]
Narrator: On the Documents step, you will be able to view the Attachment Types for documents that are required to be uploaded. Mandatory documents will be marked with a checkmark on the far-left column.
[Video: Required documents such as Demolition Review and Site Plan contain a checkmark and are highlighted.]
Narrator: If required for your selected permit type, a Sample Form will be available on the far-right column, Select the download icon to download the form for completion and upload.
[Video: Sample form is highlighted and selected. Demolition Permit Clearances form is shown and an address is entered and “Save” is selected. Form closes.]
Narrator: Upload documents by either selecting the Upload Files button and choosing a file from your computer, or by using the drag and drop feature in the box provided.
[Video: The Upload Files button is highlighted. The drag-and-drop feature is shown, and the required documents are added.]
Narrator: Under Document Type, select the drop-down menu and select the required Document Type. All required documents will be noted by a red asterisk.
[Video: Select Document Type from drop-down menu]
Narrator: You can add optional comments by typing them in the Add Comment section.
[Video: Comments are entered for each document]
Narrator: Select a Document Type for all uploaded files. Once complete, you can proceed to the next step.
[Video: Cursor selects Site Plan as Document type. Cursor selects Save and Next]
Narrator: Upload documents, plans and drawings for all Building Code permits and applications from any location, through the My Service Ottawa Customer Portal.
Narrator: An email from City Staff will be sent, confirming that your Application has been submitted.
[Video: Email for Application Submitted is shown and highlighted with red box]
[Video: The project logo of LMS is shown.]
[Video: Three videos appear in a split screen showing a construction site worker on a tablet, a man in an office on a laptop with a cell phone in his hand and woman in her home on a laptop, image of ottawa.ca building, planning and construction page, image of My Service Ottawa login page.]
Narrator: Upload documents, plans and drawings for all Building Code permits and applications from any location, through the My Service Ottawa Customer Portal.
Narrator: Start by logging into your My Service Ottawa account.
[Video: Myservice.ottawa.ca link is highlighted. User logs into My Service Ottawa Home page, and enters email janneetraining@gmail.com and LMSteam987! as password]
Narrator: On the Building Code Services Home page, under Select an Action, select Start an Application.
[Video: Building Code Services Home page is shown. Cursor selects Start an Application]
Narrator: Start an application for any permit or application of your choosing to begin the submission process.
[Video: Cursor selects highlighted Demolition Permit]
Narrator: For this application we will complete a demolition permit which is located under construction related permits. On the getting started page, use the drop down menu to select the application description, work type and primary work scope. Select save and then select next.
[Video: Getting Started page is shown. User selects House, Demolition, and Detached from the drop-down menus.]
[Video: Cursor selects Save, then Next]
Narration: The majority of permits will have a Documents step where mandatory and supplemental documents can be uploaded to support the request.
[Video: Required Documents is shown and highlighted.]
Narrator: On the Documents step, you will be able to view the Attachment Types for documents that are required to be uploaded. Mandatory documents will be marked with a checkmark on the far-left column.
[Video: Required documents such as Demolition Review and Site Plan contain a checkmark and are highlighted.]
Narrator: If required for your selected permit type, a Sample Form will be available on the far-right column, Select the download icon to download the form for completion and upload.
[Video: Sample form is highlighted and selected. Demolition Permit Clearances form is shown and an address is entered and “Save” is selected. Form closes.]
Narrator: Upload documents by either selecting the Upload Files button and choosing a file from your computer, or by using the drag and drop feature in the box provided.
[Video: The Upload Files button is highlighted. The drag-and-drop feature is shown, and the required documents are added.]
Narrator: Under Document Type, select the drop-down menu and select the required Document Type. All required documents will be noted by a red asterisk.
[Video: Select Document Type from drop-down menu]
Narrator: You can add optional comments by typing them in the Add Comment section.
[Video: Comments are entered for each document]
Narrator: Select a Document Type for all uploaded files. Once complete, you can proceed to the next step.
[Video: Cursor selects Site Plan as Document type. Cursor selects Save and Next]
Narrator: Upload documents, plans and drawings for all Building Code permits and applications from any location, through the My Service Ottawa Customer Portal.
Narrator: An email from City Staff will be sent, confirming that your Application has been submitted.
[Video: Email for Application Submitted is shown and highlighted with red box]