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How do I create a My ServiceOttawa account and Building, Planning and Land Development registration?

An accessible PDF instructional guide [ PDF 868 KB ](link is external) has been created to assist you through the process.

Application Through the LMS User Portal
[Instrumental music is playing throughout]
[Video: The city of Ottawa logo is shown.]
Narrator: Apply and pay online today for access to building permit records and compliance reporting from any location.
[Video: Three videos appear in a split screen showing a construction site worker on a tablet, a man in an office on a laptop with a cell phone in his hand and woman in her home on a laptop.]
Narrator: Go to on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. Select planning, development, and construction.
Narrator: Select building and renovating, and the service of your choice.
Narrator: Select Apply and follow the instructions. [Video: The main landing page is shown, the cursor hovers over and selects Planning, development and construction opening a new screen. The cursor hovers over and selects building and renovating opening a new screen. The cursor then hovers over and selects access to building permit records heading opening a new screen and selects the drop down menu and the cursor hovers over and selects the Apply button.]
Narrator: Proceed to the My Service Ottawa page to register or sign into your account
to get started. [Video: A red box outlines the My Service Ottawa login instructions and the cursor hovers over the My Service Ottawa page link and selects it opening a new screen.]
Narrator: Register for Building, planning and land development and select the service widget. [Video: The My Service Ottawa page is shown, and information is typed in the login and password field. The My Service Ottawa Dashboard is shown and the cursor hovers over and selects the building, planning and land development widget opening a new screen.]
Narrator: To begin, from the building code services home page, select the “start an application” button.
Narrator: You will then be asked to select what type of request you are applying for. For
this demonstration, we will be selecting “access to building permit records”. Then, select
your desired application type.
[Video: The My Service Ottawa, Building Code Services application page is shown. The
cursor hovers over and selects the start an application button opening a new screen
and then hovers over and selects the access to building permit records, the button
opening a new screen.]
Narrator: You will then be taken to the “access to building permit records” page. Please
note that a file number will be generated automatically alongside your name.
[Video: The access to building permit records page is shown, and the file number is
outlined with a red box in the top left corner of the page beside the applicant’s name.
The file status of draft is outlined in a red box in the upper left-hand corner of the page.]
Narrator: The status will show as draft. You will need to complete two mandatory fields
which are noted by red asterisks.
Narrator: These fields are request type and applicant type. An optional field of
“additional information” allows you to provide additional text.
Narrator: Once you have completed the fields, you have the option of saving your
application or continuing with your application. You are also able to delete your
application if you no longer wish to proceed.
[Video: At the bottom of the access to building permit records page a red box is placed
around two mandatory fields showing request type and applicant type.The cursor
selects request type: access to building permit records and applicant type: original
permit holder. The cursor hovers over the green save button, then the red delete button
and then selects the grey next button opening a new screen.]
Narrator: At this stage of the application, a numbered navigation bar appears at the top
of the screen. You are now able to toggle to different sections of your application by
clicking on the number. Please note that you cannot toggle to a greyed-out number.
[Video: The access to building permit records page is shown, the navigation bar at the
top of the page has numbers one to five in coloured circles, named start to finish. The
navigation bar is outlined with a red box and the cursor hovers over the green, black,
and then greyed-out numbered circle.]
Narrator: You are now required to select an address for your application. You can
search for an address in the “search for an address” box or navigate the map using the
zoom in, zoom out features. You can also hold down the left mouse button to select the
map and move the mouse. You also have a choice in map views.
[Video: The location page is shown, and the address is selected as the cursor hovers
over the map to select the search box, the zoom in and out button, to move the map
around and to type in 2960 Riverside in the search box. The cursor hovers over the
parcel on the map to select it and it appears in green with a black dot. The cursor
hovers over and selects the confirm selection button, then selects the primary address.]
Narrator: The property you select through either the search box or through navigating
the map will appear green with black outline and a black dot in the center.
[Video: The cursor then goes back to the search box and enters another address and a
new location on the map appears in green with a black outline and black dot in the
Narrator: You will then select “confirm selection” which will give you the option to
provide additional text before saving or proceeding.
Narrator: If you choose a parcel with multiple subordinate addresses, you must select a
primary address from the dropdown list.
[Video: The cursor hovers over and selects the green “confirm selection” box and then
the cursor selects the grey primary address box which shows 2960 Riverside and a
drop-down list with two other Riverside St options as well as Hog’s back road.]
Narrator: Finally, if you have selected the wrong address, you can change the address
by searching or selecting the correct address, and then confirm the selection.
[Video: The cursor moves to the top of the page to the map and hovers over and the
search box and types 100 Constellation in the address field, the address parcel on the
map appears green with a black dot. The cursor hovers over and selects the green
“confirm selection” box, then the cursor selects the grey Next button opening a new
Narrator: Next, you will be brought to the contact screen. The name, contact type,
phone number, e-mail address and mailing address are pre-populated. You have the
option of adding a contact or deleting a contact at this stage.
[Video: The Contact page is shown with a chart to add contact information and a check
box beside each contact name. The cursor hovers over and selects the grey add
contact button and a window opens with fields to entre name, type, and comments. The
cursor selects the grey next button opening a new screen.]
Narrator: Under the document section, you are able to add documents to your
application. A list of attachment types is provided indicating potential documents
Narrator: Only documents with a check mark under the required column are mandatory.
If there are no check marks in this column, then this step is voluntary.
[Video: The documents page is shown with a chart with a checklist for document
attachment types, a description, and a sample form. A red box outlines the column to
check off mandatory documents and the cursor hovers over the column for the sample
forms with a red box outlining the icon for those that need one.]
Narrator: Sample forms may appear for some attachment types. If there is a sample
form, a download icon will appear under the sample form column. Finally, to upload
documents, you can either select the upload button or drag and drop.
[Video: The cursor hovers over the grey upload file button and then hovers over the
larger grey drag and drop area. The cursor moves to the bottom of the page to the grey
next button opening a new screen.]
Narrator: If the next button is pressed but there are outstanding items, you will receive
an error message on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. To determine what item
is missing you should refer to the number navigation bar. A section that is green is
completed, a section that is grey means information is missing.
[Video: A red box with an error message stating “please complete all steps before
proceeding” appears at the bottom of the page and the moves up to the number
navigation bar at the top of the page. The green numbered circles are complete, and the
grey numbered circles are number two and number 5 showing that they information is
Narrator: The final step in the application process is acknowledging the disclaimer.
Once the box beside the acknowledgement is selected, you can then select the submit
button opening a new screen.
[Video: The application summary page is shown with the disclaimer. The cursor hovers
over and selects the check box to acknowledge the disclaimer. The cursor hovers over
and selects the submit button opening a new screen.]
Narrator: Once the submit button is selected, you are taken to a new page that
summarizes the application and a file number is provided with the status of submitted.
You will also receive a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address provided for the
application. Please note that you cannot withdraw access to the building permit records
once it has been submitted.
Narrator: Once an application has been submitted, it will be available for city staff to
[Video: The final access to building permit records page is shown and includes: the
confirmation number, summary of the application details such as file numbers, applicant
names, outstanding fees, file number and status of submitted outlined in a red box.]
Narrator: To learn more visit and search building, planning and land
[Video: A city of Ottawa logo is shown. website information is on the
[End of Application Through the LMS Portal]