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How do I manage the My ServiceOttawa Account Profile Information?

  1. From the top menu, select 'Profile' from the 'Settings:' drop-down menu.
  2. You can enter or change any of the following optional information:
    1. Title
    2. First Name
    3. Last Name
    4. Preferred Language
    5. Unit/Ste/Apt
    6. Address (1)
    7. Address (2)
    8. City
    9. Province
    10. Postal Code
    11. Country
    12. Phone and Extension
    13. Alternate Phone and Extension
    14. Email (defaults to the Email you entered when the account was created)
  3. Email is the only mandatory piece of profile information.
  4. Once all information has been entered, select the 'Save' button.
  5. You will receive a confirmation that your changes have been saved.