[Instrumental music is playing]
[Video: Three videos appear in a split screen showing a construction site worker on a tablet, a man in an office on a laptop with a cell phone in his hand and woman in her home on a laptop, image of ottawa.ca building, planning and construction page, image of My Service Ottawa login page.]
Narrator: Introducing the new Building Code Services online customer portal.
Narrator: Submit, pay and request inspections using the new Planning, development and Land Management online portal, accessible through the My Service Ottawa customer portal.
[Video: Planning, development and construction page is shown]
Narrator: Start using it today to access all your Building Code Services needs.
[Video: My Service Ottawa login page is shown]
Narrator: Start by accessing the My Service Ottawa homepage at myservice.ottawa.ca.
[Video: Cursor highlights website url at the top of the page]
Narrator: Select the Create an Account button located at the bottom of the page to create your My Service Ottawa account.
[Video: Page is scrolled down to the bottom, and zooms into highlighted Create an account icon. Cursor hovers over icons and selects it.]
Narrator: A new window will open. This is the Create your account page, where you will need to complete all required fields. This includes Email address and password, along with a list of Password rules to follow.
[Video: Email apriltraining2@gmail.com and password LMSteam987! are entered. Cursor hovers over Password rules]
Narrator: Next, review the My ServiceOttawa Terms of Service and select the checkbox confirming that you have read and agree to the terms. Select the Create Account button.
[Video: Cursor selects the checkbox, then select the “Create account” button.
Narrator: An email confirmation will be sent to the email provided.
[Video: Confirmation email sent page is shown]
Narrator: Access your email for the My ServiceOttawa confirmation to obtain the link to activate your account.
[Video: Email is shown for My Service Ottawa Activation. Cursor hovers over highlighted activate your account link and select it]
Narrator: This will lead you to the Account activation page, where you will need to re-enter your password in the Password field. Once completed, select “Activate account” to activate your account. You will be redirected to the My ServiceOttawa login page once more.
[Video: Password is reentered, then highlighted activate account icon is selected. My Service Ottawa login page is shown again.]
Narrator: To access your new My ServiceOttawa account, login with your email address and password, then select the login button.
[Video: Email address apriltraining2@gmail.com and passowrd LMSteam987! are entered. Cursor selects Login button.]
Narrator: You will then be brought to the My ServiceOttawa Dashboard. Start by scrolling down to the building, planning and land development service widget. Select the “Apply, manage, and pay for” link. You will be directed to the Building Code Services home page, which is the LMS Customer Portal.
[Video: MyServiceOttawa dashboard is shown. Page scrolls down to Building, Planning and land development widget. Cursor selects highlighted Apply, manage pay for link.]
Narrator: Next, you will be brought to the LMS Registration page. This page contains information to Register your LMS account for online access, and you will also be required to complete Personal profile information.
Narrator: Start by reviewing the Consent to share and collection of information for your account.
Narrator: You will then be required to complete personal information such as First name, Last name, Language Preference, and Phone number.
[Video: First name is entered as April, and Last name is entered as Training. English is selected as Language preference, and 613 580 2424 is typed in as phone number.]
Narrator: Once completed, select the checkbox “I consent to the sharing of my information with this service”. Then, select “I agree”.
[Video: Consent checkbox is selected, then I agree is selected]
Narrator: You will then be brought to the My Service Ottawa Prior Customer Record page. Here you will have the opportunity to associate your account with an existing account by linking with a PIN provided by the City of Ottawa.
[Video: Prior Customer Record page is shown, with a Link section where there is a field to enter Customer PIN which is highlighted, and a Do not Link section.]
Narrator: If you do not wish to link to an existing account select DO NOT LINK AND CONTINUE.[Video: The highlighted Do Not Link icon is selected.]
Narrator: You will then be brought to the My Profile page. Adding your Mailing Address is required and can be done by selecting the “Add Mailing Address” icon. Enter your address type, address number and street. Select the checkbox for the address.
[Video: The highlighted Add Mailing Address icon is selected . Popup is shown and Civic address is selected from drop-down menu. 101 Centrepointe Dr is typed in for Search for an Address field Ok icon is selected]
Narrator: Adding your Phone number is also required, and this can be completed by either selecting the checkbox with your main phone number or by inserting an additional phone number by selecting “Add Phone Number”. Then, select all phone number checkboxes.
[Video: Page scrolls down and selects Add Phone Number icon. The Phone number (613) 560-0613 is entered and the Ok button is selected.]
Narrator: The Customer Portal allows you to receive various notifications on the status of your permit and emails informing when an action is required.
Narrator: If you would like to receive notifications, choose your Preferred Contact Method by selecting either “Email” or “Postal Mail”. You will then need to select the types of email notifications you would like to receive by selecting the checkbox(es). You can choose as many checkboxes as required. When completed, select “Save”.
[Video: Email box is selected and all checkboxes are also selected. Save icon is selected.]
Narrator: Although there is no direct communication taking place within the Customer Portal by staff and clients, notifications are available for payment requests, additional information requests, inspections and application status.
[Video: Page is directed to Building Code Services Home page.]
Narrator: If Email notifications have been selected, the customer will receive various emails at different stages of the application review such as when payment is due.
[Video: Payment Required email is shown.]
Narrator: Once you are done with your Building Code Services account, it is important to sign out of your my Service Ottawa account.
[Video: April Training profile icon is selected then Sign out icon is selected.]
Narrator: To learn more, visit Engage.Ottawa.ca Building, Planning and Land Development.
[Video: City of Ottawa logo is shown]
[Video: Three videos appear in a split screen showing a construction site worker on a tablet, a man in an office on a laptop with a cell phone in his hand and woman in her home on a laptop, image of ottawa.ca building, planning and construction page, image of My Service Ottawa login page.]
Narrator: Introducing the new Building Code Services online customer portal.
Narrator: Submit, pay and request inspections using the new Planning, development and Land Management online portal, accessible through the My Service Ottawa customer portal.
[Video: Planning, development and construction page is shown]
Narrator: Start using it today to access all your Building Code Services needs.
[Video: My Service Ottawa login page is shown]
Narrator: Start by accessing the My Service Ottawa homepage at myservice.ottawa.ca.
[Video: Cursor highlights website url at the top of the page]
Narrator: Select the Create an Account button located at the bottom of the page to create your My Service Ottawa account.
[Video: Page is scrolled down to the bottom, and zooms into highlighted Create an account icon. Cursor hovers over icons and selects it.]
Narrator: A new window will open. This is the Create your account page, where you will need to complete all required fields. This includes Email address and password, along with a list of Password rules to follow.
[Video: Email apriltraining2@gmail.com and password LMSteam987! are entered. Cursor hovers over Password rules]
Narrator: Next, review the My ServiceOttawa Terms of Service and select the checkbox confirming that you have read and agree to the terms. Select the Create Account button.
[Video: Cursor selects the checkbox, then select the “Create account” button.
Narrator: An email confirmation will be sent to the email provided.
[Video: Confirmation email sent page is shown]
Narrator: Access your email for the My ServiceOttawa confirmation to obtain the link to activate your account.
[Video: Email is shown for My Service Ottawa Activation. Cursor hovers over highlighted activate your account link and select it]
Narrator: This will lead you to the Account activation page, where you will need to re-enter your password in the Password field. Once completed, select “Activate account” to activate your account. You will be redirected to the My ServiceOttawa login page once more.
[Video: Password is reentered, then highlighted activate account icon is selected. My Service Ottawa login page is shown again.]
Narrator: To access your new My ServiceOttawa account, login with your email address and password, then select the login button.
[Video: Email address apriltraining2@gmail.com and passowrd LMSteam987! are entered. Cursor selects Login button.]
Narrator: You will then be brought to the My ServiceOttawa Dashboard. Start by scrolling down to the building, planning and land development service widget. Select the “Apply, manage, and pay for” link. You will be directed to the Building Code Services home page, which is the LMS Customer Portal.
[Video: MyServiceOttawa dashboard is shown. Page scrolls down to Building, Planning and land development widget. Cursor selects highlighted Apply, manage pay for link.]
Narrator: Next, you will be brought to the LMS Registration page. This page contains information to Register your LMS account for online access, and you will also be required to complete Personal profile information.
Narrator: Start by reviewing the Consent to share and collection of information for your account.
Narrator: You will then be required to complete personal information such as First name, Last name, Language Preference, and Phone number.
[Video: First name is entered as April, and Last name is entered as Training. English is selected as Language preference, and 613 580 2424 is typed in as phone number.]
Narrator: Once completed, select the checkbox “I consent to the sharing of my information with this service”. Then, select “I agree”.
[Video: Consent checkbox is selected, then I agree is selected]
Narrator: You will then be brought to the My Service Ottawa Prior Customer Record page. Here you will have the opportunity to associate your account with an existing account by linking with a PIN provided by the City of Ottawa.
[Video: Prior Customer Record page is shown, with a Link section where there is a field to enter Customer PIN which is highlighted, and a Do not Link section.]
Narrator: If you do not wish to link to an existing account select DO NOT LINK AND CONTINUE.[Video: The highlighted Do Not Link icon is selected.]
Narrator: You will then be brought to the My Profile page. Adding your Mailing Address is required and can be done by selecting the “Add Mailing Address” icon. Enter your address type, address number and street. Select the checkbox for the address.
[Video: The highlighted Add Mailing Address icon is selected . Popup is shown and Civic address is selected from drop-down menu. 101 Centrepointe Dr is typed in for Search for an Address field Ok icon is selected]
Narrator: Adding your Phone number is also required, and this can be completed by either selecting the checkbox with your main phone number or by inserting an additional phone number by selecting “Add Phone Number”. Then, select all phone number checkboxes.
[Video: Page scrolls down and selects Add Phone Number icon. The Phone number (613) 560-0613 is entered and the Ok button is selected.]
Narrator: The Customer Portal allows you to receive various notifications on the status of your permit and emails informing when an action is required.
Narrator: If you would like to receive notifications, choose your Preferred Contact Method by selecting either “Email” or “Postal Mail”. You will then need to select the types of email notifications you would like to receive by selecting the checkbox(es). You can choose as many checkboxes as required. When completed, select “Save”.
[Video: Email box is selected and all checkboxes are also selected. Save icon is selected.]
Narrator: Although there is no direct communication taking place within the Customer Portal by staff and clients, notifications are available for payment requests, additional information requests, inspections and application status.
[Video: Page is directed to Building Code Services Home page.]
Narrator: If Email notifications have been selected, the customer will receive various emails at different stages of the application review such as when payment is due.
[Video: Payment Required email is shown.]
Narrator: Once you are done with your Building Code Services account, it is important to sign out of your my Service Ottawa account.
[Video: April Training profile icon is selected then Sign out icon is selected.]
Narrator: To learn more, visit Engage.Ottawa.ca Building, Planning and Land Development.
[Video: City of Ottawa logo is shown]