About My ServiceOttawa Account
My ServiceOttawa is an online account that allows Ottawa residents to securely access multiple City services and information in one place using a single email address and password. It is free to set up, easy to use and allows users to access their City information and services from the comfort of their home or office 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox(R) version 15, Safari, Chrome version 25, Opera version 15, or higher version of these browsers. Equivalent browser software or any webkit based browser software will also work. If your browser is older, you may have trouble viewing many of our web site features correctly.
For the best accessible experience using assistive technologies when visiting the Garbage And Recycling Schedule and In My Neighbourhood, please avoid using Internet Explorer version 8 or earlier and JAWS version 9 or earlier.
Please refer to our Help Section for additional information.