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How to I request and manage my inspections online?

An inspection request can be submitted and managed by logging into your My ServiceOttawa account and accessing the Building, Planning and Land Development widget.

An accessible video have been created to assist you through the process.

[Instrumental music is playing]
[Video: Three videos appear in a split screen showing a construction site worker on a tablet, a man in an office on a laptop with a cell phone in his hand and woman in her home on a laptop, image of building, planning and construction page, image of My Service Ottawa login page.]

Narrator: Request inspections online for Building Code Permits and applications from any location through the My Service Ottawa Customer Portal. Start using it today for all your inspection needs.

Narrator: Start by logging into your My Service Ottawa account.
[Video: MyService Ottawa login page is shown, along with username and password. Cursor selects Login.]

Narrator: Next, you will be directed to the Building Code Services Home page. To request an inspection for a specific application, navigate to the dashboard on the home page, and select the application with a” recently issued” or “issued” status. The activities page will open where you can select the request button.
[Video: Home page scolls down to Dashboard and Actions Required tab. File number CON-2024-000628 with the status of Recently Issued is highlighted in red]
[Video: Red box highlights the request button on the activities page.]

Narrator: To view a list of all applications where inspections can be requested, select the Request an Inspection button.
[Video: During the above narration, screen cuts to the Home page, cursor selects the red highlighted Request an Inspection button, show the screen it opens up on and red box highlight the same file number as shown in the above example.]

Narrator: Select the checkbox of the permit you are requesting an inspection for. Then, select the Request Inspection button.
[Video: During this narration, cursor selects checkbox for CON-2024-000628. Then selects Request Inspection button]

Narrator: Proceed to fill out all the information required for the inspection request, fields marked by a red asterisk are mandatory. A suggested time of day and date can be set for the inspection. This suggested date must be at least 48 hours in advance.
[Video: During this narration, cursor selects the calendar icon and select April 29th, then cursor selects AM for Requested Time.]

Narrator: If there are any additional instructions for the inspector, add them to the allotted space. The site contact information will automatically be filled in but is open to any changes the user wishes to make.
[Video: During this narration, page is scrolled down to the site contacts heading]

Narrator: Inspection Types that can be requested will have a checkbox next to the type. If a checkbox is not present, it means the prerequisite inspections have not been completed. Check the desired inspection types available by selecting the check box beside their title.
[Video: During this narration, cursor selects the Building – Excavation type]

Narrator: There is an optional space at the bottom to upload supplemental documents. Simply, select the Upload File button or use the drop feature, and add as many documents as required to support the request.
[Video: During this narration, page zooms in and highlights Upload Files button. Cut screen to show an uploaded document already in the upload grid.]

Narrator: Select a Document Type for your uploaded file by selecting an option from the drop-down list provided. An optional description of the document can be provided in the Description field.
[Video: During this narration, select the arrow to show the list of options, select “Other”, in the description field write “Access instructions.”]

Narrator: Finally, select the submit button.
[Video: During this narration, submit button highlighted and selected.]

Narrator: This will bring you back to the Activities Page for the application. A note will appear at the top of the screen to confirm the inspection request was submitted.

[Video: During this narration, red box highlights the message confirming the inspection request is highlighted at the top of the page.]

Narrator: All Inspection requests can be viewed under the inspections tab on the permits activities page.
[Video: During this narration, page scrolls down and selects the Inspections tab, which shows the inspection just requested]

Narrator: To request another inspection type, select the Request button on the Activities page.
[video: During this narration, cursor moves to the highlighted Request button and selects it.]

Narrator: Begin by requesting a new date, preferred time and inspection type.
[Video: During this narration, calendar icon is selected, and cursor selects a date 5 days in advance, selects AM and scrolls down to selects the Plumbing – Underground inspection type.]

Narrator: select the submit button to request this new inspection
[Video: During this narration, scroll down to the page and select the Submit button]

Narration: Once again, selecting the inspections tab, will outline all requested inspections for the permit.
[Video: during this narration, the page scrolls down to show the now 2 requested inspections.]

Narrator: To cancel an inspection, search for the file under the Actions Required Tab or the Applications Tab on the Home page, where it is easily accessible.
[Video: During this narration, cut to the Dashboard page and scroll down to select the Applications tab]

Narrator: The filter function can be used to search by address, status, file number, date or applicant.
[Video: During this narration, the filter button is highlighted in red.]

Narrator: Select the file link and the permits Activities Page will open.
[Video: During the narration, cursor selects a file link with an “Issued” status.]

Narrator: Scroll down and select the Inspections tab
[Video: During the narration, the Inspections tab is highlighted and selected]

Narrator: Select the check box beside the inspection type that is to be cancelled.
[Video: During the narration, cursor selects the check box for the Underground inspection type to be cancelled.]

Narrator: Then select the red Cancel button.
[Video: During this narration, cancel button is highlighted and selected]

Narrator: A second message will pop up confirming the user wants to cancel that inspection. Select the red Yes button.
[Video: Cursor selects yes button.]

Narrator: Scroll down the page to the Completed Inspections section to view the cancelled inspection status.
[Video: During this narration, page scrolls down and shows the Completed Inspections section. Red box highlights the “Cancelled” status next to the underground inspection type.]

Narrator: Cancelled inspections can be re-requested again by selecting the request button and completing the information once more.
[Video: During this narration, page scrolls to the top of the Activities page, and shows the Request box add a red highlighted box]

Narrator: To learn more, visit Building, Planning, and Land Development.
[Video: show the City of Ottawa logo]