[Video: The project logo of LMS is shown.]
[Video: Three videos appear in a split screen showing a construction site worker on a tablet, a man in an office on a laptop with a cell phone in his hand and woman in her home on a laptop, image of ottawa.ca building, planning and construction page, image of My Service Ottawa login page.]
Narrator: Find out how to add and link your Building Code Services Customer PIN in the new online permits and applications system through the My Service Ottawa Customer Portal.
Narrator: To get started, select the “Create an account” button to begin. Complete the required fields and read the “My Service Ottawa Terms of Service.” Select the “I have read and agree to the terms of service” checkbox and select the “Create account” button to create the account.
[video (0:00): the homepage for the My Service Ottawa is displayed. An email address and password are entered. The cursor selects the checkbox agreeing to the terms of service, and the create account button is selected]
Narrator: After creating your account, an activation link will be sent to the email you provided. This link will be valid for 48 hours. From the email, select the “activate your account” link. On the webpage you are directed to, enter your account password and select the “Activate account” button.
[video (0:15): a page displaying the email conformation is displayed. The screen changes to an email account with the activation email. The cursor selects the “activate your account” link. The activation page for the My Service Ottawa is displayed and a password is entered. The cursor selects the activate account button]
Narrator: Once your My Service Ottawa account is activated, if you are not taken to the main page, you will be taken to the My Service Ottawa login page. Login in using your email and password.
[video (0:35): the homepage for My Service Ottawa appears on screen]
Narrator: To access the system, you must first complete a one-time registration process. From the “Building, planning and land development” widget, select the “Apply, manage and pay for” link to begin.
[video (0:35-0:44): the screen scrolls down until the “Building, planning and land development” tab appears. The cursor then selects the Apply, manage and pay for” link]
Narrator: Complete your profile by completing all the required fields, then check the “I consent to the sharing of my information” checkbox and select the “I agree” button.
[video (0:45-1:00): the applicant information is filled out, including name, address, email and phone numbers. The cursor selects the “I consent to the sharing of my information” checkbox, then selects the “I agree” button]
Narrator: If you received a notice from the City of Ottawa containing a PIN, you may associate your account with the Customer Record on file for you. Enter the received PIN in the “Customer PIN” field and select the “Link using pin” button. The “My Profile” page will open with a message confirming the Customer was successfully linked.
[video: (1:01-1:45)The Prior Customer Record page is displayed and a PIN number is entered, the cursor then selects the “Link Using PIN” button. A details page is then displayed showing the different addresses and phone numbers for the linked accounts. The notifications button is changed from Postal Mail to Email, then the save button is selected]
Narrator: To learn more, visit Engage.Ottawa.ca Building, Planning and Land Development.
[Instrumental music is playing]
[Video: include standard outro, city of Ottawa logo is shown.]