Making a payment in the customer portal
[Instrumental music is playing]
[Video: The project logo of LMS is shown.] Narrator: Pay online for building code permits and applications from any location for the My Service Ottawa customer portal. [Video: MyServiceOttawa login page is shown.] Narrator: Start using it today to pay for Access to Building Permit Records and Compliance Reporting.
[Video: Compliance reports and Access to Building Permit Records links are highlighted]
Narrator: When a payment is due, an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address listed on your user profile.
[Video: An email from the city of Ottawa is shown titled “Payment required”.]
Narrator: Select the view link which will take you to the My Service Ottawa login page.
[Video: Cursor hovers over the “view” link and selects it, taking the user to the My Service Ottawa page. A new page opens requesting a username and password to login.]
Narrator: After logging in, you will be directed to the application’s Activities page where payment can be made.
[Video: The application’s Activities page is shown.]
Narrator: To proceed with payment, you must select the pay button.
[Video: The cursor moves to select the pay button and a new page opens.]
[Video: The cursor selects Pay by Payment Card]
Narrator: Next fill out the form to enter payment information. Some of the fields are prepopulated based on their user profile. When all the fields are completed, then select the continue button below the payment method.
[Video: a page entitled payment information displays all the necessary information a user must fill out to pay their fees, including their First name, Last name, Phone number, Address, City, Province, Postal code, and Email address. The screen scrolls
down to show that credit card information must be filled out before the cursor selects the continue button.]
Narrator: You will now have a chance to review the payment. On the confirmed payment page, the Payment amount, Service fee and Total will be displayed. To finalize the payment, you must agree to the terms and conditions, then select pay.
[Video: The screen changes to display a summary of the payment information, including the Payment method, Date, Payment amount, Payment fee, the Total payment, and a Terms and conditions button. The cursor selects the I Agree to the Terms and Conditions button. Then they select the Pay button.]
Narrator: You will then be taken to the payment confirmation page which summarizes the payments. You can download the receipt by selecting the download icon next to the receipt number.
[Video: the screen returns to the My Service Ottawa page displaying a receipt of the payment entitled Transaction Approved. The cursor clicks on the receipt pdf where a new page opens, showing a summary of the payment. The screen changes back to the transaction approved page on the My SO site.]
Narrator: By selecting the continue button, you will be redirected to the applications activities page which will show the pay button once again, only this time it will be grayed out.
[Video: the cursor selects the continue button and the page redirects the user to the application’s activities page.]
Narrator: On the main home page, the warning icon next to actions required will no longer be displayed as the outstanding fee has been paid.
[Video: the screen transitions to the home page of the My SO account and scrolls down to the actions required tab under the dashboard, no longer showing an exclamation point. Additionally, there is no longer any file under the actions required tab, just a blank space.]
Narrator: You will also receive a payment confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address listed on your user profile.
[Video: the screen transitions to the email window where an email detailing the payment summary has been sent as proof of payment.]
Narrator: If you have not subscribed to receive email notifications you can refer to the Building Code Services Dashboards actions required tab, where request for payment status can also be found.
[Video: Screen shows Building Code Services Dashboard page, where the Actions Required tab now has an exclamation mark and a Payment Due status is shown.]
[Video: The screen fades out, then back in to display the City of Ottawa logo.]
Narrator: To learn more visit (building planning land development)
[Video: A city of Ottawa logo is shown. website information is on the page.]
[End of Accessible Transcript #7 – Making a payment in the customer portal]
[Instrumental music is playing]
[Video: The project logo of LMS is shown.] Narrator: Pay online for building code permits and applications from any location for the My Service Ottawa customer portal. [Video: MyServiceOttawa login page is shown.] Narrator: Start using it today to pay for Access to Building Permit Records and Compliance Reporting.
[Video: Compliance reports and Access to Building Permit Records links are highlighted]
Narrator: When a payment is due, an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address listed on your user profile.
[Video: An email from the city of Ottawa is shown titled “Payment required”.]
Narrator: Select the view link which will take you to the My Service Ottawa login page.
[Video: Cursor hovers over the “view” link and selects it, taking the user to the My Service Ottawa page. A new page opens requesting a username and password to login.]
Narrator: After logging in, you will be directed to the application’s Activities page where payment can be made.
[Video: The application’s Activities page is shown.]
Narrator: To proceed with payment, you must select the pay button.
[Video: The cursor moves to select the pay button and a new page opens.]
[Video: The cursor selects Pay by Payment Card]
Narrator: Next fill out the form to enter payment information. Some of the fields are prepopulated based on their user profile. When all the fields are completed, then select the continue button below the payment method.
[Video: a page entitled payment information displays all the necessary information a user must fill out to pay their fees, including their First name, Last name, Phone number, Address, City, Province, Postal code, and Email address. The screen scrolls
down to show that credit card information must be filled out before the cursor selects the continue button.]
Narrator: You will now have a chance to review the payment. On the confirmed payment page, the Payment amount, Service fee and Total will be displayed. To finalize the payment, you must agree to the terms and conditions, then select pay.
[Video: The screen changes to display a summary of the payment information, including the Payment method, Date, Payment amount, Payment fee, the Total payment, and a Terms and conditions button. The cursor selects the I Agree to the Terms and Conditions button. Then they select the Pay button.]
Narrator: You will then be taken to the payment confirmation page which summarizes the payments. You can download the receipt by selecting the download icon next to the receipt number.
[Video: the screen returns to the My Service Ottawa page displaying a receipt of the payment entitled Transaction Approved. The cursor clicks on the receipt pdf where a new page opens, showing a summary of the payment. The screen changes back to the transaction approved page on the My SO site.]
Narrator: By selecting the continue button, you will be redirected to the applications activities page which will show the pay button once again, only this time it will be grayed out.
[Video: the cursor selects the continue button and the page redirects the user to the application’s activities page.]
Narrator: On the main home page, the warning icon next to actions required will no longer be displayed as the outstanding fee has been paid.
[Video: the screen transitions to the home page of the My SO account and scrolls down to the actions required tab under the dashboard, no longer showing an exclamation point. Additionally, there is no longer any file under the actions required tab, just a blank space.]
Narrator: You will also receive a payment confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address listed on your user profile.
[Video: the screen transitions to the email window where an email detailing the payment summary has been sent as proof of payment.]
Narrator: If you have not subscribed to receive email notifications you can refer to the Building Code Services Dashboards actions required tab, where request for payment status can also be found.
[Video: Screen shows Building Code Services Dashboard page, where the Actions Required tab now has an exclamation mark and a Payment Due status is shown.]
[Video: The screen fades out, then back in to display the City of Ottawa logo.]
Narrator: To learn more visit (building planning land development)
[Video: A city of Ottawa logo is shown. website information is on the page.]
[End of Accessible Transcript #7 – Making a payment in the customer portal]